A qualified teacher and teaching assistant will teach nursery. 

Yes – your child will be offered a personalised induction plan. You may feel your child will manage half a day at first, this can gradually be built up until they feel secure in our setting. Some children will get upset when saying goodbye but often settle after a few minutes. We will always contact a parent if a child is upset for a long period of time.  

It is not compulsory that your child is toilet trained. We will work with you to teach your child how to use the toilet. We ask for you to provide spare clothes for accidents. We have the facilities to change children and also toilets and sinks with steps to encourage independence. Children’s toilet seats are also provided.  

School Senco will meet with you to discuss needs. We will work together with other agencies and professionals to create individualised support plans for your child.  

Your child will be assigned to a key person. The key person will build close bonds with your child and family. All staff are there to support your child with a caring hug or reassuring hand hold. 

Your child can have a hot lunch prepared by our school cook or they can bring in their own packed lunch. Lunch is eaten in the hall with the reception children. After lunch has been eaten children are walked back to the nursery and will play outside in the nursery garden.

Children are able to access water throughout the day, milk is also provided. A snack of toast is offered in the morning and a piece of fruit in the afternoon.

We ask for children to bring in a pair of wellies and have a warm coat. We provide waterproof suits and encourage outdoor play in all weather.

Through play! Children will use the provision, toys, and resources independently to learn through their own interests. Adults will assist in learning through play and plan adult-directed activities.  

The environment and decoration is neutral with lots of beiges, creams and white. The furniture and equipment is wooden. Many of the resources are natural. This provides a calming effect on learning and allows children to focus for longer periods of time without being distracted. All our resources have a place to live which is clearly labelled and store in wicker baskets. The environment encourages children to choose independently and develop ownership of learning.

Staff are always available to talk at the beginning and end of the day, staggered start and finish times allow this. Showbie is used to send personal messages and photos, it is also a way for parents to send any home learning to the teacher. Our nursery Twitter page is updated daily and you can see what your child has been doing each day.  Facebook and the school website are also ways for you to find information.  

If your child secures a place at BVPS then we will plan a transition throughout the summer term. Your child will have opportunities to form relationships with their new teacher, they will already have the confidence and security of knowing the school setting. Many friendships will have developed in the nursery and continue into reception. Staff work closely as a team to discuss each individual child to encourage a seamless transition.