Burscough Village Primary School is currently working towards becoming a Dyslexia Friendly School. The Dyslexia Friendly Quality Mark will provide a framework of support and understanding to ensure that everyone within our school understands the needs of the dyslexic individual and that appropriate resources and strategies are in place to support pupils. This will lead to greater levels of achievement for everyone.

This award is only issued to schools or organisations that can demonstrate that they provide high quality education and/or practice for dyslexic individuals. Our objective is achieve the award by Autumn 2023.

Dyslexia Statement

At Burscough Village Primary School, we recognise that some pupils, despite intellectual and other abilities, have a difficulty learning to read and/or to spell and write fluently.  These pupils may be described as having dyslexia (see dyslexia policy) and recognise that some of these pupils have special educational needs.  Through our engaging and ambitious curriculum, we ensure that these needs are met to the best of our ability; that these pupils have the same right of access to this curriculum and to all the activities of the school; and we strive to ensure that any barriers to learning are diminished. 

British Dyslexia Association Website

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Understanding Dyslexia | 5 Facts About Dyslexia

Same But Different
Dyslexia - Sophie's Story